Style, whatever that is....

Ok, people talk about style and fashion all the time. Men who adhere to even the slightest code of appearance may sometimes be questioned of the status of their sexuality. That’s a load of crap. I’m not one that parades in the finest of something or really even puts too much into my “style”, or whatever it is that you wish to call it.
However, there are a few things I think every man should at least know. Wether to adhere to these little nuggets or not to adhere to them is entirely up to the man. My father once told me style is dynamic, much like people, so find what works. Ok, so on to these little nuggets of happiness:
-Suits will always be cooler than sport jackets.
-If you don’t own a suit, buy one. Navy, black, or dark gray, as a solid color.
-If your suit isn’t comfortable, you will suffer. Purchase accordingly.
-Find a good tailor. Just trust me on this one.
-Own at least three ties. If they are three whimsical ties, buy three that aren’t.
-Throw away your seersucker suit, Matlock.
-If you own a shiny, leather blazer, throw it out. Joe Pesci will never call you about whacking the snitch around the corner.
-Just because your office has “casual friday” doesn’t mean you can dress like a bum.
-Never button the bottom button on a vest. No one knows why.
-Owning a fleece jacket is great. Wear it over your shirt, tie, and trousers and you look funny.
-Just because you golf doesn’t mean you can look like you golf. Take off that crap, you John Daly wannabe.
-Unless you are under the age of six or, at that moment, working on a farm, take off your overalls.
-Rednecks wearing popped collars... think about it...
-Don’t carry the contents of a desk drawer in your pants pockets. You look like a sack of potatoes.
-Don’t wear massive belt buckles unless you’re a cowboy.
-If your shirt hasn’t any sleeves, don’t wear it. (exception: when painting or doing other messy things that will give you an excuse to throw said shirt away)
-One that the ladies should listen to as well- there will never be a “new black”.
Know that I’m no expert, these are my opinions. I don’t always adhere to these, but that’s kind of the point. Be you, just don’t look too horribly slovenly.
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