SpeedStick GEAR Review (Clean Peak Scent)

So, I received a complimentary trial of SpeedStick GEAR from Influenster last week. As agreed upon, I gave it a shot. I'm on my fifth day of use now, and I'm not very impressed. The scent is not bad at all, but it is quite strong, but I think it's by design. Instead of a controlled or layered scent release, SpeedStick GEAR relies on the scent to dissipate over time. As for product performance, I didn't see a difference in this from my usual deodorant. The 48-hour protection claim may be sufficient if the wearer engages in little no physical activity over the course of the 48 hours. I tested this, under stress of moderate weight-lifting and HIIT cardio sessions and it did nothing out of the ordinary. Mind you, as a product that was given to me to test, I am unaware of what it costs. If it sold as a premium deodorant, I wouldn't pay the extra money to purchase it.

So, as a deodorant/antiperspirant, it's not bad, but it's nothing special.


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