Cooking Basics: Tools

Okay, before you can actually start learning how to cook, or for some, better honing your skills, you must have the necessary tools. So, let's go over a few tools that help to complete a kitchen. Remember, this is just a guide of suggestions, so you may not agree with everything. That's fine. Alright, so -

  • Knives- You can have a lot of knives. That's okay. Seriously, though, you may never need more than two knives. A chef's knife of at least eight inches, no more than twelve inches unless you really know why knives that large are made, and a smaller utility knife. More than anything, these need to be sharp. Really expensive knives are complete shit if they are dull.
  • Wood- A wooden spoon, spatula, and cutting board. Taste soup and don't burn the shit out of your tongue? Yeah, that's reason enough for a wooden spoon. The spatula is nice because spoons and corners don't always work well together. The cutting board is there because it's pretty, but you will want to clean and sanitize it regularly.
  • Measuring stuff- A fireproof glass measuring cup will be a great ally. Also, a nice set of smaller measuring cups and spoons will serve you well. I prefer metal cups and spoons, but plastic will serve you well.
  • Grater- If you like fresh grated things, like cheese, get one of these. I'm more of a micro-plane guy for fresh allspice and nutmeg.
  • Pans- At the very least, you need four pans. Of course a few more can't hurt, but you just really need four. If you can only buy one good pan, buy a good, solid cast iron skillet. If it comes with a lid, even better. If you take care of it, your great-grandchildren will still use it. Now, if you put detergent to it, I'll smack you over the internet. Wipe it clean, season it with oil, smile. That's it. Next, get a nice, heavy, stainless steel pan. You can clean this one as you would other things, but remember to take care of it. After that, get a small saucepan and a medium to large pot. That's all you really need.
  • A potato peeler- Yeah, just get a decent one with a big handle. Why a big handle? Because a big handle makes it easy to use for people of all ages.
  • Random stuff- A can opener, a colander, a hand sieve, and a timer. I don't think you need me to go into detail here. Just buy these.

Okay, so that's all for today. Soon, we'll hit some of the basics in the kitchen. And you will get better.


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