Things I want to share about stuff.

So every once in a while I share random stuff about style and other such things. In list form. Because I want to. So there. Also, most of these are for men.
  • A real Timex is cooler than a fake Rolex. Buy the Timex Mercury if you go this route.
  • Men, $90 shoes might last you a year. You want your shoes to last longer than one year. Oh, and shine those shoes. Just do it.
  • And also consider all shirts and other clothing as disposable.
  • Just because you own golf clubs doesn't mean that you get to dress like an idiot. Stop it.
  • Umbrellas are like gloves, get nice ones but know that you will lose them.
  • If you own a leather blazer, put it away. Forever.
  • You are not Bon Jovi, get rid of those damn leather pants.
  • Tip your tailor and housekeeper as you tip your waiter. It is worth it.
  • Overdress for almost everything. It's better that way.
  • If a saleswoman tells you what you may be buying will be "the new black", they are telling you a lie. A big fat lie.
  • Men need not wear tank tops. Ever. I don't care what women have to say here.
  • Don't wear a backpack with a suit. There's no excuse. Ever. Stop.
  • This is a given, but don't wear socks with sandals.
  • Casual Fridays don't exist. Nope. Just trust me.
Ok, that's all I got. For now.


  1. FIRST!


  2. I think I just fell a little bit in love with you, sir. =]


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