My favorite holiday is in shambles.... And I'm sad.

I love Thanksgiving. No, really. It's my favorite holiday. Growing up Hindu (not staunchly practicing), we didn't really do Christmas. This erks me only because I hear stories of my older cousins going to my parents house in Elmhurst, IL, to have Christmas together, open presents, eat, and so forth. All of this, before my birth. Continuing on, not being Christian, we never did Easter. To add, living in St. Louis in the late 80's didn't have many perks as an Indian. There were a handful of Indian families from all over India, each with their own traditions, making it terribly difficult to really forge a true celebration for Indian or Hindu holidays. All I had was Thanksgiving.

Everyone we knew would get together on Thanksgiving and eat. This only got better after my cousins, on my father's side, decided that we should do a Thanksgiving of our own. November, though often cold, became one of my favorite months of the year. I'd be in LA or Chicago enjoying a beautiful meal with the a group of people I love very much. I finally had a holiday. Me. The kid who had nothing to compare family holiday experiences with friends, finally had a holiday.

Let's take a moment here to drive home the importance of this holiday, personally. Food is more than a part of my profession, it is a passion, a way of life insurmountable by anything I've yet to find in the world (that's appropriate for this post, at least). My cousins showed me something I had experienced, but had not truly been a part. They showed me the importance of the true family dining experience. Ever since, in some way, shape or form, I've had this experience every year since. Last year wasn't as amazing as years past. That should have been a sign.

This year, November 25th, 2010, I have no Thanksgiving. My family will be spread across the reaches of the country and I have no where to go. I'm also very limited in choices as I have to be on a flight to Baltimore Friday morning. I'm not sure what I'll be doing, but I can almost promise you that I will be unhappy. I don't want you to look at this as a plea for invitation. I don't want to come across pitiful. It's just that I'm sad and this conveying this emotion in writing may be the only way I can deal with this without punching something. (random fun fact: you can punch a hole in Neon Cactus cup)

Thanks for letting me rant. Have a good Columbus Day!


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