Giving thanks

It's not too often that people from my generation really take a moment to give thanks, or to truly understand that It could really be a lot worse. The latter, for those that may not be of religious mind. The course of the past few weeks has been a rather daunting one for me. I cannot, with fortitude, say that I have been in any place of real and true state of elation.

However, a song I recently heard brought much of this in perspective. Here's part of one of the verses:

Its so funny how we think we got it rough when there are babies who got mommas hooked on drugs and this depression got folks losing they homes they spent they whole life saving for

I guess I'm just saying that I felt the need to tell the world thanks for having my back through everything. I've got some of the finest friends a gentleman could ask to call his friends. Thanks folks.

*Oh yeah, the song is "It Coulda Been Worse" by Lyfe Jennings


  1. Best attitude to have. I found in my lowest moments, taking the time to consider the blessings in my life can help lift me up.


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