"Style tips"? No. Just my thoughts.

I have some thoughts about clothing and stuff. Some may call this "style" stuff. No. Some may call these "tips." No. Just my thoughts, in list form to make this easier on everyone. Take them as that, just thoughts.

  •  There is no excuse worthy, no pain so cruel, as to legitimize the wearing of sneakers or tennis shoes with a suit. 
  • If you're under the age of fifty-five, and do not possess a Southern accent, never purchase, or for that matter, wear, a seersucker suit. You're not Matlock. You want to stay comfortable on a hot day, get a linen suit. I can go on about this, but I won't. 
  • Fanny packs with a suit... No. I've seen it. Really, I have. It's not okay.
  • A North Face fleece jacket, or nay other polar fleece jacket, over a sport coat or suit jacket looks as ridiculous as it sounds. A good wool topcoat, long or short, or a trenchcoat (if the weather is proper for it) look better and work better than fleece.
  • Everyone understands that your belt should match your shoes. Now, match your watchband, if it's leather, to both your belt and shoes. Why? There's a few reasons, but here's the main one- Women notice.
  • Three-button suits, ok. Two-button suits, ok. One-button suit, no. One-button tuxedo, of course. Any number of buttons over 3, no. Even if you danced in a Dru Hill video in the late 90's, no. 
  • Slim-fit is for slim people. I don't need to elaborate. 
  • If you're unsure of the dress-code, overdress. It's always better to be over-dressed than under-dressed. Wool trousers and a proper shirt win over khakis and a Polo. 
  • On that note, nice oxfords are always better than loafers when dressing up. Loafers are excellent, but they're not formal.
  • Black-tie optional doesn't mean "optional." Again, I don't need to elaborate. 
  • Green suit? You better be hiding a pot of gold, you leprechaun. 
  • People have mixed ideas on fedoras and other such hats. I don't have an opinion on if you should or shouldn't wear them. However, don't wear them inside. It's not of a man of class to wear a fedora indoors. Class wins over style, even if you're a Backstreet Boy. Every day. 
  • Your first pair of cufflinks, and your nicest pair, should be simple and clean. Again, not elaborating. 
  • I don't mean to be rude, but white people shouldn't wear white suits. Well, unless you're Tom Wolfe. This applies two-fold if you don't know who Tom Wolfe is.

That's about all I have to say on these matters, for today. I'm not done. 


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