Mushroom Syrup fo yo mouth.

When I was in Los Angeles I ate at a small eatery in the Brentwood neighborhood. Though I cannot remember the name of this place, I will have trouble forgetting the mushroom sauce that I was served. I created my own version with a little more flavor and richness. I made the sauce a thick concoction especially for meats and warm dishes. This is a rich sauce that can work great with a warm salad or as a dressing for meats. As a suggestion, bake a chicken breast and dress it with this syrup.


4 tablespoons of grapeseed oil

14 ounces of chopped shitake stems (from 2 pounds shitake mushrooms)

3 cups of water

3 cups of chicken broth

Ok, so:

In a large skillet, heat the oil for about 2 minutes. Add the stems and cook over medium heat for about 5 minutes, or until you achieve a deep brown color. Add the water and the broth as you stir. Bring this to a boil. Reduce to about 1 cup. This might take a little under 15 minutes. Strain the broth and return the mix to the skillet. Reduce this to about ¼ cup, taking about 8 minutes. It should resemble a deep, brown syrup.


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