Just a writing exercise....

......... I guess you could say St. Joseph’s has this old world charm. The buildings are modeled after some English castle. Well, I can’t say that I know that they are modeled after and English castle, but they look like it. Well, hell, I’ve never been to England, but the buildings look like pictures of England. Regardless, they are rather elegant. I could easily picture some sort of royal procession through the huge archway serving as the entrance to the courtyard to the school.

The courtyard in itself is something to gawk at. The grass is so damn green. Like really green. Like pictures of Ireland green. Cobbled paths, probably made of sandstone or something of the sort, cut the square courtyard into four smaller squares. The paths look pretty nice, but they are horribly uneven. I don’t think I can even count how many people I’ve seen lose footing, backpacks shooting up over their heads, and fall flat on their face. To add, I can’t even count how many of those people I’ve laughed at.


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