Holiday food, the beginning

Ok folks, so the holiday season always has people asking me to share recipes. As most of you may know, I'm not much for special recipes and traditions in food that don't revolve around Thanksgiving. But this year, I have a blog!!! So let's do some sharing, shall we? So ask me what you want to know how to cook. Or maybe there's something you want to prepare a little differently. Tell me! Tweet me if you like ( @mrbijoy )! Ok, but today, I'm going to go ahead and just give you one of my classic recipes. Enjoy!!!!!

Oh, someone challenged me to make a recipe that was super-easy and super-quick, all in a short, concise manner. Here it is--

Mix 1 teaspoon of ground horseradish with 1/4 cup of sour cream. Throw that on a Triscuit and top with a small piece of smoked salmon. There you go. Easy appetizer. Look what I did there. Two sentences. It tastes great, I promise. Oh, and if you don't like Triscuits, use a kettle-cooked potato chip or a piece of bacon. Yeah, I said bacon.

Oh yeah, and as a fun holiday tip that is obviously booze-involved, try the 2007 Fineline Cab for a wine this year. It's a phenomenal budget-conscious wine!


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