On July 20th, 2014, I asked my girlfriend to marry me.
As a lot of you may know, this past Sunday, July 20th, I asked my girlfriend, Sonja, to marry me. Also, a lot of people have been asking how I did it. So this post is for those folks, haha.
About 6 months ago, I decided that I wanted to propose to my girlfriend. But here's the thing, I have no idea how people go about doing that. I've heard a lot of stories, from the morning in bed, rollover and propose, to the Kauai beach proposal and almost every thing in between. So, I started with the one thing I assumed I could do right- The ring. But that part is going to stay out of this story, becasue it's super-boring.
A few weeks ago, I gave Sonja's friend Taylor a call. I told her what was up and that I was going to pop the question. She shrieked. I temporarily lost hearing in my right ear. It was glorious. In a really, really weird way. Taylor and I then started planning what was about to go down. I had an idea: scavenger hunt. A scavenger hunt that was awesome! But I had no awesome ideas. None.
Then, I thought of an idea. I would steal a bunch of Sonja's stuff. Yeah, I would steal it. The point of the scavenger hunt would be to get back her stuff. Taylor would accompany her on her quest. I know, It's kind of an awful plan. But I'll get to all of that here in a bit.
Now, Sonja and I are pretty geeky, at times. So I stole a few things that mirrored this whole ideal. I stole a replica Sonic Screwdriver (Doctor Who), a LEGO figurine of Gandalf (Lord of the Rings), and an Ollivanders Wand (Harry Potter). How she didn't notice that I took all of these is beyond me. But I got away with it. Because I'm a master thief. But I'm not. Really, I'm not.
Then I wrote a few letters. Each letter, making her a part of the universe of each thing I stole. For Doctor Who, I took from the episode "The Rings of Akhaten." Sonja would have to trade something of great emotional value for the Sonic Screwdriver. She would meet the man who "stole" the Sonic Screwdriver and trade an old card to get back that which is her's. So she did that. Then she got her second quest.
The next letter told her that Gandalf had been taken prisoner and she'd need to save him. She would save him with an Elvish scroll. The Elvish scroll said "Elvish scroll," in English. I can't write in Elvish. Don't be silly. So she traded the scroll fro Gandalf and was given her final quest. At this point, I should tell you that I got pretty creative with font usage on all of these letters. I mean Zapfino was on point.
Finally, she would have to retrieve her wand. She would have to travel to White River State Park and find the wand and the thief who stole it. Well, this was the part that was entirely planned while she was on the other parts of the hunt. Yeah, I didn't tell anyone that part until just this minute. When she reads this, she'll know. So, Sonja had to go find her wand. Now, I put the ring on the wand, the wand in the wand box, and the wand box in a giant cornucopia (you'll see what I mean soon). Then I hid behind the cornucopia, like the worst spy ever. I had to very politely ask people to get away from the cornucopia because I was about to propose. So, these people, in the least sly of manners, walked about 40 yards away and watched. About 15 of them. True story. I had an audience. So, if you want to talk about nerves, I'm surprised I didn't poop my pants.
What felt like an eternity, passed. Sonja walked up, found a letter to read before opening the wand box. She read it, opened the box, and figured out what was going on, I think. I hope. The ring was on there, so I'm pretty sure she figured it out at that point. 100% sure. So I came out from behind the cornucopia, got on one knee, and asked Sonja to marry me. I said some really heartfelt stuff, but I completely winged it. I had a speech. I forgot it. I just said everything I was thinking. Then I asked her to marry me. She cried a bit. Then she said yes! Thank the stars that she said yes!
About 6 months ago, I decided that I wanted to propose to my girlfriend. But here's the thing, I have no idea how people go about doing that. I've heard a lot of stories, from the morning in bed, rollover and propose, to the Kauai beach proposal and almost every thing in between. So, I started with the one thing I assumed I could do right- The ring. But that part is going to stay out of this story, becasue it's super-boring.
A few weeks ago, I gave Sonja's friend Taylor a call. I told her what was up and that I was going to pop the question. She shrieked. I temporarily lost hearing in my right ear. It was glorious. In a really, really weird way. Taylor and I then started planning what was about to go down. I had an idea: scavenger hunt. A scavenger hunt that was awesome! But I had no awesome ideas. None.
Then, I thought of an idea. I would steal a bunch of Sonja's stuff. Yeah, I would steal it. The point of the scavenger hunt would be to get back her stuff. Taylor would accompany her on her quest. I know, It's kind of an awful plan. But I'll get to all of that here in a bit.
Now, Sonja and I are pretty geeky, at times. So I stole a few things that mirrored this whole ideal. I stole a replica Sonic Screwdriver (Doctor Who), a LEGO figurine of Gandalf (Lord of the Rings), and an Ollivanders Wand (Harry Potter). How she didn't notice that I took all of these is beyond me. But I got away with it. Because I'm a master thief. But I'm not. Really, I'm not.
Then I wrote a few letters. Each letter, making her a part of the universe of each thing I stole. For Doctor Who, I took from the episode "The Rings of Akhaten." Sonja would have to trade something of great emotional value for the Sonic Screwdriver. She would meet the man who "stole" the Sonic Screwdriver and trade an old card to get back that which is her's. So she did that. Then she got her second quest.
The next letter told her that Gandalf had been taken prisoner and she'd need to save him. She would save him with an Elvish scroll. The Elvish scroll said "Elvish scroll," in English. I can't write in Elvish. Don't be silly. So she traded the scroll fro Gandalf and was given her final quest. At this point, I should tell you that I got pretty creative with font usage on all of these letters. I mean Zapfino was on point.
What felt like an eternity, passed. Sonja walked up, found a letter to read before opening the wand box. She read it, opened the box, and figured out what was going on, I think. I hope. The ring was on there, so I'm pretty sure she figured it out at that point. 100% sure. So I came out from behind the cornucopia, got on one knee, and asked Sonja to marry me. I said some really heartfelt stuff, but I completely winged it. I had a speech. I forgot it. I just said everything I was thinking. Then I asked her to marry me. She cried a bit. Then she said yes! Thank the stars that she said yes!
Joe told me you were engaged, and I was so excited for you! I do hope you will let me crash your wedding, as you never did take me as a date to one! ;) What a great proposal!! I think my hubs needs a re-do! ;)