I thought it would motivate me...

About two years ago I decided that I would take one of my musical endeavors and share it with the world. I sat down at my keyboard and my beat mixer and mastered one of my slowest, relaxed pieces of music to what I thought would be musical perfection. I bought a distribution company and published my song to iTunes. Yeah, I'm serious. Look it up. It's called "Lounge".
"Lounge" was supposed to give me some form of inspiration to continue this musical enterprise towards a full album, or at least an admirably-sized EP. Alas, it never happened. Lately, this simple, and temporary, failure has come to mean more to me. I'm not accustomed to giving up on things so easily. I have spent quite a few years pondering the future of this album, even writing at least forty five new songs. None of which have been completed. Only "Lounge" ever got through the mastering process, and I'm not sure if it was really ready for release.
Part of me really wants to make more music that people will really enjoy. Years ago, i was very good at making music people loved. I think that back then, I didn't care what people thought or what people would say. I made music that I liked. I need to find a way back to that place. In the end, "Lounge" was supposed to motivate me to go further with this new music project. It has not fulfilled its cause or purpose, so I'm taking it off iTunes. I'm going to write some new things. I'm going to create things that I like. Hopefully, you will like them too.


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