Ok, sex food.
Someone asked me to write this post/recipe. Someone that I, for one, had no idea read this blog. So, it inspired me to take a second, as asked by said 'someone', and talk about aphrodisiacs and food. Technically, an aphrodisiac is something that increases sexual desire or drive. Also, there are a LOT of false aphrodisiacs. Many that aren't necessarily "false" can kill you. I don't know about you, but I really don't want to die in a situation that can't be told to my great aunt or my mother. I believe in only one science-based thought on aphrodisiacs: Oysters Oysters are great. Friggin great. Let's talk about oysters scientifically, of course, as well as sexually, duh. Oysters are high in zinc, which is necessary to properly produce sperm. Yeah, I went there. They are also high in D-aspartic acid and N-methyl-D-aspartate, which is thought to increase testosterone, therefore increasing libido. Sex food, yes . So let's get to the grit of it all. ...